Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

二期倶楽部 Niki Club >Art Biotop

Artist in Residency at ArtBiotop, Nasu.
daytime: play with hot glass
nighttime: clay creations
late night: hot springs rotenburo
So grateful for this time :)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Art BioTop >NASU Artist in Residence

I have lived alongside the beautiful Naka River for 21 years. Recently I have begun a 3 month residency far upstream in Nasu, it's mountain source. ArtBiotop offers glass & ceramic studios as I like. ArtBiotop is also a part of the renowned Niki Club Resort Spa in the mountain forest. 
After creating comes a soak in the hot springs... I feel so happy. Pinch me when it's over. Ldb

韓国から帰国するや否や、二期倶楽部 アートビオトープ那須へレジデンシィに来ています。レジデンシィってあまり馴染みのない言葉ですが、ここに滞在して作品作りに励む、というものです。期間 は3ヶ月。ここには陶芸に加え、ガラスの工房もあり、大学をガラスで卒業した私は、23年ぶりにガラスを吹き、ミックスメディアオブジェを作る予定です。 寒い季節になりましたが、山あり、那珂川の源流あり、温泉あり、猿によく会い、山奥には熊もいるこの那須でどんな作品ができるか楽しみです。

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Nami Island & Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale 2013 KOREA

9/23~10/4 去年に引き続き韓国那南怡(ナミソム)での’International Pottery Festival ’に参加してきました。3日間でオブジェを完成させ、その後 ’GiC Biennale 2013’韓国京畿(ギョンギ)で開かれているビエンナーレにも参加し、ペーパーキルンを作り窯焚きをする、というワークショップを行いました。


I'd like to thank all of our Korean hosts & volunteers for their great efforts to make Namisum & Gyeonggi a fabulous time for all of us. It is such a good feeling to come together from all over the world, to connect our selves through clay as the historical and universal nexus to our hearts. Much gratitude and love from Doug&Narumi.

Friday, September 13, 2013

In Between the Stars ~TABLE SET~

'In Between the Stars' テーブルセットを 本日お客様にお届けしました。

Saturday, June 22, 2013

~rainy day~~~warabi-mochi


My recent "Polka Dot Skies" series looks modern & a bit 'pop'...
but it goes well with traditional Japanese sweets.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

International Exhibition

current exhibition with my friends at Silpakorn University:)
khop khun khrap~!~


Monday, June 3, 2013

Friday, May 10, 2013

Mashiko Ceramic Festival: toukiichi

I arrived from Korea to attend the last weekend of sales in Mashiko.
So happy to have customers waiting...
so grateful,
Their continuing support makes me happy inside.
(sorry to anybody I missed this year!)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

2013 Mungyeong, Korea

This years tea bowl festival was a REAL GOOD TIME!
Once again I enjoyed the experience of Korean tea culture in such a wonderful place,
deep in the mountains.
It was a pleasure shared among all of the artists.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

invited to Korea

I will be exhibiting & participating in the 2013 Mungyeong Tea Bowl Festival.
----> Mungyeong Traditional Chasabal Festival
Mungyeong has a history of over 900 years as a center for pottery.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

'under the stars'

I was happy to deliver this stool to a happy new client.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Mashiko exhibition!

Yes, it is time for our exhibition in Mashiko,
at the Yamani Ohtsuka Gallery Midori.
The 3 of us all came from America, independently, to the Mashiko area over 20 years ago.

Please come to see us and find the variety in our creations!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

in Thailand

Silpakorn University 'Century of the East' exhibition.

11 international artists & their students, with Silpakorn faculty.

Kiln building & firings were done on the beach with 90 students from 4 universities.

Hwa Su Kang, from Korea, helping to make kiln by Roslan Ahmad, from Malaysia.

kiln by Steven Low Thia Kwang, from Singapore.

kiln by Mutlu Baskaya, from Turkey.

nice colors from our beach firing!

Koh Kradan

Friday, January 11, 2013

Thailand exhibition

I will be presenting my works in Thailand.

January 15 - 20
Exhibition: 'Century of the East', Art & Cultural Center of Silpakorn University, Thailand.

Participant in seminar & workshop: 'The International Project of Ceramic Arts Exhibition' of four institutes; Silkaporn University, Burapha University, King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, & Bunditpatanasilpa Institute. Prachuapkhirikan Province, Thailand.

展覧会:‘Century of the East' タイ シラパコーン大学
セミナー&ワークショップ:‘The International Project of Ceramic Arts Exhibition'


I helped with a commercial filmed in Mashiko by Ricoh.
Have a look:


YouTube link

Ricoh link

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

year of the ssSnake

Thank you for all of your support! 

Our lives will not last... Let your life blossom in 2013!
Awaken all the best in you.